Spending time here is one of my most favorite things in the entire world. I don’t care how much mud, slobber, snot, or dirt I get on me or my clothing, my goal out here isn’t to look pretty and more often than not I never even think of it. I don’t mind numb fingers and toes, just to come out in the middle of winter snows to warm up cold bits and condition dirty leather straps and boots. Watching their ears perk forward and eyes light up at my familiar call-and-whistle makes my heart sing with love and pride. They weren’t bought for $15,000 or registered with the top pedigrees and bloodlines, and that’s just fine with me. Even on the days they’re spunky and hyper because the seasons change, I still make sure I devote my time every week to come see my boys.
Some days, they don’t want to listen, they don’t want to cooperate. Domino decides he is going to buck and yank his head around when he doesn’t want to canter. Floyd decides he doesn’t want to go slowly around the arena, or stand still in the cross-ties. I expect it from both of them. They, like humans, have their “off” days. They’re not perfect all the time, and we can’t expect them to be.
Also like humans, they have their own distinct personalities. Domino is a cuddly horse who prefers to take it slow; he’s very patient and calm, but he is also slow to trust. Floyd is overly curious, proud, excitable, and just plain funny. Gripping hard-bristled brushes is a familiar routine to clear off clouds of dusts from their matted coats, and burrs out of their tangled tails, and picking rocks and muck out of their hooves. It’s certainly not for everyone, but I appreciate every moment with them.
I love to teach, and be taught by them. I love to grow and learn as they do, both of us learning how to effectively communicate and understand once another, even when it is frustrating. Going on the trails is utterly relaxing, and letting my horses gallop through the field in pure excitement is the most satisfying and thrilling feeling in the world.
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